The Gambia

The Gambia is the birthplace of Janta Energy’s founder, Mohammed Alboury Nije, but that is only one of the reasons our focus is on the country. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people. The country is nicknamed the “smiling coast of Africa”, due to its geographic shape, but also because of the vibrant nature of its people. It is the smallest country in terms of land size within mainland Africa. It is home to around 2.4 million people.

Culture and Traditions

Despite its small size (10,000 sq. km), The Gambia is a diverse multi-cultural society with many ethnic groups, resulting in a multi-lingual society. It is not uncommon to find people being able to speak 3 to 4 local languages.

Important Data

Gambia is a country with positive growth potential. With the right type of investments, this potential can be fully achieved.





School enrollment, primary (% gross)
